Entrepreneurs Elect the Business Leader They Most Admire
Featured on Rescue a CEO: CEO Blog Nation By: Ashley Poulter
Most entrepreneurs have a business leader they look up to. Someone they learn from and emulate their business practices after. Or it could be a business leader with a product that is heads above the rest. No matter the reason, having a business owner to look up to is a common practice. Just as athletes have professionals to look up to, entrepreneurs have the same. Below we have asked entrepreneurs to reveal the leader they most look up to as far as business goes.
Rescue a CEO and CEO Blog Nation asked entrepreneurs to reveal the business leader they most look up to.
Scott Weiss
My current “CEO Hero” is Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, who embodies everything a great leader should be. I shook his hand once – and he REALLY looked me in the eyes. Hsieh built Zappos from the ground up and sold it to Amazon for $1.2 billion. He’s absolutely brilliant! Behind that brilliance lie his principles, driving Zappos’ culture; proof that success means “walking the walk”. Hsieh models transparency, encourages growth, consistenty does the right thing, and focuses on customer happiness. Zappos is transparent on a personal and a professional level. Daily briefings, call statistics – even company meetings are publicly accessible – nothing masked. Even Hsieh’s condo is accessible for tours. Are you willing to open up your home to anyone who asks for a free tour? Everyone has an opportunity to grow at Zappos. What does that have to do with selling shoes online? It’s simple: helping people achieve their dreams makes them happy – and happy employees offer better service. Zappos’ customers aren’t pressured to get off the phone – no time limits and no scripts. Zappos’ call center employees represent its marketing arm. Every unscripted conversation helps cultivate customer loyalty. Some employees write personal thank you notes after a call – forming deeper emotional connection with customers. Leaders cannot expect their teams to deliver exceptional customer service if they fail to understand happiness. Hsieh believes Zappos’ mission is to deliver happiness – for its customers and employees alike.
Thanks to Scott Weiss, Speakeasy, Inc.